About Us

The strange but (mostly) true story of



Ripper Joe has lived on Maui since 1979, surfing local Maui breaks and traveling to his favorite Indo reefs.

On surf safari into Indonesia, Joe crossed paths with some surf industry folk, and inquired about a hook up for custom surf trunks made for some ‘Maui Rippers’ back home.

A surfer for 40 years, a wood craftsman for 20 years, and the dream of making shorts for friends for 15 years, Joe's creations had a well-thought-out, kick-ass construction, and a clean look. Balinese seamstresses followed his insights, and the first pair of Maui Rippers was born.

With the Indo connection made, Joe carted back twenty five pairs of shorts to hand out to some Maui Rippers. Some were also Maui County Lifeguards, who loved the Maui Ripper shorts so much, they suggested Maui County buy lifeguard shorts from Joe, which they did. This turned Joe the wood craftsman into Joe Maui Rippers.

Maui Rippers boardshorts withstood every test the Maui County Guards put them through. Soon enough, the bros on the beach were like: “eh, where can I get dem shorts brah?” And Maui Rippers were made available in some of the absolute most primo surf shops on Maui. Maui Rippers were soon found on lifeguards all around the world, from Kauai to New Jersey, Australia to Austria!

Maui Rippers now supplies lifeguards and watermen across the globe with products they can depend on. We also distribute boardshorts worldwide to surf shops, watersports stores, boutiques, and other locations. You’ll find us online on Amazon too. We’re huge.

Huge for a mom-and-pop, that is! Still run by the Maui Ripper himself, Joe, along with his lovely wife Mary Faustine (accomplished artist) and a handful of other talented people, we all make it work and are proud to keep the Aloha spirit going.

Stay Ripping! Mahalo And Aloha!

The strange but (mostly) true story of


Ripper Joe has lived on Maui since 1979, surfing local Maui breaks and traveling to his favorite Indo reefs.

On surf safari into Indonesia, Joe crossed paths with some surf industry folk, and inquired about a hookup for custom surf trunks that he wanted to make for the ‘Maui Rippers’ back home.

A surfer for 40 years, a wood craftsman for 20 years, and the dream of making shorts for friends for 15 years, Joe's creations had a well-thought-out, kick-ass construction, and a clean look. Balinese seamstresses followed his insights, and the first pair of Maui Rippers was born.

With the Indo connection made, Joe carted back 25 pairs of shorts to give out to some Maui Rippers, a few of whom were Maui County lifeguards. The guards were so stoked on the Maui Rippers shorts that they wanted to buy enough to outfit the whole Maui County crew. And just like that, Joe the wood craftsman became the one and only Joe Maui Rippers.

Joe's boardshorts aced every test the Maui County Guards threw at them. Soon enough, the bros on the beach were like: “eh, where can I get dem shorts brah?” That's when Maui Rippers hit the racks at some of the most primo surf shops on Maui. From there, Maui Rippers made their way to surfers all around the world, from Kauai to New Jersey, and Australia to Austria.

Maui Rippers now supplies watermen and lifeguard agencies across the globe with genuine products they can depend on. We also distribute boardshorts nationwide to surf shops, watersports stores, boutiques, and other locations. You’ll find us online on Amazon too. We’re huge.

--Huge for a mom-and-pop, that is! Still captained by the Maui Ripper himself, Joe, together with his lovely wife Mary Faustine (accomplished artist) and a handful of other talented people, we're holding it down and proud to be carrying on the Aloha spirit that got us started.

Stay Ripping! Mahalo And Aloha!