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The 6 Essential Items Everyone Forgets to Bring to a Beach Trip

Heading out to the beach is a delightful experience. But in the excitement of planning a perfect outing, it's easy to forget to pack certain crucial beach essentials that can quickly make or break the day.

So in this post we'll explore the six essential things that often slip our minds but can make a significant difference in your beach day enjoyment.

That way, next time you and your family or friends head to the water, you'll be prepared for anything the day throws your way.

1. First Aid Kit:

Beach First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen anywhere at anytime, and the beach is no exception.

A small first aid kit is often overlooked as an unnecessary item to bring to the beach, but it can actually be a lifesaver in unexpected situations.

And while most lifeguards do keep plenty of first aid supplies on hand, it's always a good idea to bring your own, especially if there is no lifeguard on duty at your particular beach.

Bringing along just the essentials like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers will have you sufficiently prepared for any accidents that might happen.

2. Extra Clothes:


While throwing on boardshorts and swimsuits is a given for any beach day, there's one game-changing tip that often slips under the radar: stash an extra set of your go-to street clothes in your bag.

Whether you decide to explore the town, grab a bite to eat at a burger shack, or simply want to change after a day of sun and sand, spare clothes can come in handy in many ways.

You can also opt to wear hybrid swimwear, which can be worn from the water to the city and is built for fast-drying all-day comfort.

3. Snacks:

Beach picnic with fruit and snacks

Sunbathing, swimming, and beach games can work up quite an appetite.

So do yourself a favor and pack a variety of delicious non-refrigerated snacks like fruits, nuts, sandwiches or granola bars to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

You can also consider bringing a small portable cooler if you pack drinks like soda or water and want to keep them cold.

By doing a little planning ahead, you can avoid the disappointment of a rumbling stomach and keep your body nourished.

4. Hat & Sunglasses:

Beach Hat and Sunglasses

Protecting yourself from the sun is key to a great beach day.

While sunscreen is always a must, don't forget to also bring a hat to shield your face and sunglasses to protect your eyes from the bright sunlight.

These items not only offer convenient sun protection but can also add a stylish touch to your beach look.

5. A Good Book:

Woman reading a book at the beach

Between the soothing sound of crashing waves and the sight of soaring gulls, the beach is a prime backdrop to dust off your reading glasses and dive into a good story.

Whether you're looking to escape into a novel or catch up on your favorite magazine, reading material provides a perfect companion for those quiet breaks by the shore.

So be sure to make a little room in your beach bag for a small book so that you can take advantage of those relaxing beach vibes.

6. Waterproof Phone Case:

The beach and water go hand in hand, but keeping your phone safe from sand and splashes can be a challenge.

Ensure your important electronics stay protected while you're taking photos by the water or exploring tidepools by investing in a waterproof phone case.

With a waterproof case for your phone, you can capture memories, stay connected, and enjoy peace of mind without worrying about water damage to your pricy devices.

Or as a cost-saving alternative, you can place your phone in a resealable Ziploc bag to keep it dry and protected. 

Sun-Smart and Surf-Ready

Every beachgoer knows that any successful beach trip involves more than just sunscreen and a towel.

By remembering these often-forgotten items you'll sure to be well-prepared for a day of sun, surf, and relaxation.

So, next time you head to the beach, check off this comprehensive list to make your experience even more enjoyable.


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